Everything you read on my blog is entertainmentbased, and should not be taken seriously or as a fact. Everything is written by me, unless other is stated, and reflects my opinion only. By reading my blog you have chosen to do so of your own free will.
The intentions of this blog is not to harm anybody. If you use any tips, tricks, advice, recommendations or techniques are followed, and are injured, I am not held responsible.

I reserve the right to change anything that I have posted or to change the terms of use on my blog. Although, I will be sure to inform you about any changes made to my blog that will affect you as a reader. 

I'm not held responsible for what is at the end of any external links seen at my blog, nor who linked back to my blog and the site the link was publiced. 

Everything on this blog is made by me, unless stated otherwise. Same thing goes with photography and writing, all made by me. I don't take resposebility for any translation or interpretaion of my blog, effected by wrong grammar or meaning of words, nor is held responsible for defamatory statements bound to government, religious, or other laws from your country of origin, if you as reader breaks these laws. 

If you want to send me any physical items, please contact me via my email address before doing so. We can then have a discussion as to what you wish the outcome to be. I will then write up an agreement that we are both happy with; and after this has been clarified, we will proceed with the planned process. 

Feel free to challenge me, disagree with me, or tell me I'm completely nuts in the comments section of each blog entry, but I reserve the right to delete any comment for any reason whatsoever (such as abusive, profane, rude, anonymous comments) - So keep it polite, please.

Credit for header background to Astrid Mueller

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Industrial Barbie © 2014